Today is Christmas Eve. Today is Christmas Eve.12月24日是耶誕節前夕(Christmas Eve),Eve是「前夕」,例如:除夕叫New Year’s Eve,你的新婚前夕叫The eve of your wedding。在耶誕節前夕,很多信徒會到教堂望子夜彌撒(Midnight mass),在家裡父母會跟小孩子說:Today is Christmas Eve. Have you hung your stocking up?(今天是耶誕節前夕,你把襪子掛上了沒?)外國的傳統習俗是在耶誕節前夕把襪子掛在窗口或火爐邊,然後等候耶誕老人把禮物放進襪子裡,第二天一早起來小朋友便會收到。對話 Boss: Oh, Adrian, I’d like you to work a double shift. 老闆: 噢,阿德里恩,我想你連做兩班。 Adrian: But boss, today is Christmas Eve. 阿德里恩: 但老闆,今天是耶誕夜。 Boss: What does that matter? You’re not Christian. 老闆: 有甚麼關係?你又不是基督徒。 Adrian: Well not normally, but once a year I am and it’ always at this time of year. I can’t miss those holidays and presents. Oh, don’t forget I’ll be converting to Buddhism just before Buddha’s birthday. 阿德里恩: 正常來說不是,但每年這個時候就是,我不可以錯過那些假期和禮物。噢,別忘我會在佛誕前皈依佛教。 Boss: What? Hey! 老闆: 甚麼?嘿! 《聖誕前夕》 阿德里恩的老闆也真刻薄,耶誕前夕還要他加班,難怪他抗議說:But today is Christmas Eve!(今天是耶誕夜啊!)Eve是大節日前的一天或一晚,可引伸解作「重要事情即將來臨的時候」,往往和介系詞(preposition) on連用,例如:On the eve of the examination, he was so nervous that he could hardly go to sleep(考試前夕,他緊張得幾乎無法入睡)。耶誕前夕,西方孩子會把襪子掛在床頭或壁爐附近,待耶誕老人把禮物放進去。那襪子叫Christmas stocking。本來stocking是指女人穿的過膝長襪,長不及膝的襪子叫sock,所以,嚴格而言,聖誕襪是sock,但stocking是傳統叫法,不可更改。”Santa Claus will come down the chimney and fill your stocking with presents.” She told her son即「她對兒子說:『耶誕老人會從煙囪爬下來,把禮物放進你的襪子裡。』」聖誕前夕,除了叫孩子掛起襪子,你還可以掛起檞寄生小枝:Hang up the mistletoe。根據習俗,聖誕期間,在檞寄生小枝下,你有權親吻任何一位經過的異性,這叫做kissing under the mistletoe。今天,檞寄生小枝多用來作聖誕裝飾。Did you notice how Peter kissed Mary under the mistletoe at the Christmas party?即「你有沒有看到耶誕派對上,彼得怎樣在檞寄生小枝下親吻瑪麗?」 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! .
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